The plastics injection moulding industry is a cornerstone of modern manufacturing, producing a vast array of plastic components and products used in numerous sectors, from automotive and electronics to consumer goods and medical devices. This complex process relies heavily on precision and efficiency, and one crucial element that contributes to the success of injection moulding operations is the selection and application of valves. In this blog, we will explore the various valve types used in the plastics injection moulding industry, their specific applications, and the impact they have on the overall efficiency and quality of the manufacturing process.

Understanding Injection Moulding

Injection moulding is a process where molten plastic is injected into a mould cavity under high pressure, where it cools and solidifies into the desired shape. This process is known for its ability to produce high-quality, complex shapes with precision and consistency. Key components of an injection moulding machine include the injection unit, the clamping unit, and the mould itself. Valves play a vital role in controlling the flow of materials and ensuring the proper functioning of these components.

Key Valve Types in Injection Molding

1. Pressure Relief Valves

Function and Importance:

Pressure relief valves are essential in the injection moulding process to protect the machine and mould from damage caused by excessive pressure. These valves are designed to open and release excess pressure when it exceeds a predetermined limit, thereby preventing potential damage to equipment and ensuring safe operation.


Hydraulic Systems: Pressure relief valves are used in the hydraulic systems of injection moulding machines to manage and control the pressure within the system.

Injection Unit: In the injection unit, these valves prevent overpressure conditions that could lead to mechanical failure or compromise the quality of the injected plastic.


Safety: By preventing excessive pressure, these valves protect the integrity of the injection moulding equipment and ensure safe operation.

Longevity: Reducing the risk of overpressure extends the lifespan of the machine components and moulds.

2. Check Valves

Function and Importance:

Check valves are used to ensure the unidirectional flow of fluids, which is crucial in maintaining the correct flow direction in the injection moulding process. These valves prevent backflow and ensure that the molten plastic flows smoothly into the mould cavity.


Material Handling: Check valves are used in the material handling systems to ensure that the flow of plastic granules or pellets is directed correctly towards the injection unit.

Injection Systems: They prevent the backflow of molten plastic from the mould back into the injection unit, maintaining the efficiency and consistency of the process.


Flow Control: Ensures the correct direction of flow, preventing issues related to backflow that could affect product quality.

System Efficiency: Enhances the efficiency of material handling and injection systems by maintaining a consistent flow direction.

3. Shut-off Valves

Function and Importance:

Shut-off valves are used to control the flow of materials by either opening or closing the flow path. In the injection moulding process, these valves are crucial for isolating different sections of the system and controlling the flow of molten plastic.


Material Feed Lines: Shut-off valves are used to control the flow of plastic pellets or granules from the hopper to the injection unit.

Cooling Systems: These are employed in cooling systems to regulate the flow of cooling water or other fluids used to maintain optimal temperatures during the injection process.


Flow Control: Provides precise control over the flow of materials, allowing for better management of the injection moulding process.

Isolation: Facilitates the isolation of different parts of the system for maintenance or troubleshooting without disrupting the entire process.

4. Needle Valves

Function and Importance:

Needle valves are used to control the flow rate of fluids with high precision. In injection moulding, these valves are essential for regulating the flow of molten plastic into the mould cavity, ensuring the correct amount of material is injected.


Injection Unit: Needle valves are used to regulate the flow of molten plastic during the injection phase, allowing for precise control of the material being injected into the mould.

Cooling Systems: They are also used in cooling systems to control the flow rate of cooling fluids.


Precision: Offers precise control over the flow rate, which is crucial for achieving the desired quality and consistency of the moulded products.

Flexibility: Allows for adjustments in flow rate to accommodate different types of plastics and mould designs.

5. Temperature Control Valves

Function and Importance:

Temperature control valves are used to regulate the temperature of the molten plastic and the cooling systems in injection moulding. Maintaining the correct temperature is vital for ensuring the quality and consistency of the moulded products.


Heating Systems: These valves regulate the flow of heating fluids or electric heating elements to maintain the desired temperature in the injection unit.

Cooling Systems: They control the flow of cooling fluids to ensure that the mould is kept at the optimal temperature during the cooling phase.


Temperature Regulation: Ensures that the plastic is kept at the correct temperature for proper flow and solidification.

Product Quality: Helps maintain consistent product quality by controlling the temperature throughout the injection moulding process.

Challenges and Considerations

Wear and Tear

Valves in injection moulding systems are subject to wear and tear due to the high-pressure and high-temperature conditions they operate under. Regular maintenance and inspection are essential to ensure that valves continue to function effectively and do not impact the quality of the moulded products.

Material Compatibility

The choice of valve materials is crucial in ensuring compatibility with the plastics and other materials used in the injection moulding process. Valves must be resistant to chemicals and temperatures associated with the process to prevent degradation and ensure reliable performance.

Precision and Control

Achieving precise control over the flow of materials and temperature is vital for producing high-quality moulded products. Selecting valves with accurate control mechanisms and ensuring proper calibration is essential for maintaining the desired process parameters.

Maintenance and Repair

Regular maintenance and timely repair of valves are necessary to prevent issues such as leakage, reduced performance, or valve failure. Implementing a robust maintenance schedule and using high-quality replacement parts can help mitigate potential problems and ensure smooth operation.

Innovations in Valve Technology

Smart Valves

Smart valve technology incorporates sensors and automation to provide real-time monitoring and control of valve performance. This innovation allows for more precise control, remote monitoring, and data collection, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the injection moulding process.

Advanced Materials

The development of advanced materials for valve construction, such as high-performance polymers and composites, enhances the durability and resistance of valves to harsh conditions. These materials improve valve performance and extend service life in demanding applications.

Enhanced Sealing Technologies

New sealing technologies, including advanced elastomers and metal seals, provide improved resistance to temperature and chemical exposure. These innovations ensure better sealing performance and reduce the risk of leakage and contamination.


Valves play a critical role in the plastics injection moulding industry, impacting the efficiency, quality, and safety of the manufacturing process. From pressure relief and check valves to needle and temperature control valves, each type offers unique benefits that contribute to the successful operation of injection moulding systems. Understanding the specific applications and advantages of each valve type is essential for optimising performance and achieving high-quality results.


At Steelstrong, we are committed to providing top-quality valve solutions tailored to the needs of the plastics injection moulding industry. Our extensive range of valves is designed to meet the demanding requirements of this sector, ensuring reliable performance and superior quality. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Steelstrong continues to be a trusted partner for industries worldwide, delivering valve solutions that enhance operational efficiency and product excellence.