In the mining industry, tailings management is a critical aspect of maintaining operational efficiency and environmental safety. Tailings are the waste materials left over after extracting the valuable portions of mined ore. These waste materials are often in the form of slurry, a mixture of fine particles and water, which needs to be properly managed and disposed of to prevent environmental contamination and ensure the safety of nearby communities. 

The transportation and handling of mining tailings require robust systems that can withstand the abrasive and corrosive nature of slurry. One of the most essential components of these systems is the valve. Valves are responsible for controlling the flow of slurry through pipelines and other equipment, ensuring smooth operations, and preventing damage to the infrastructure. Among the various types of valves used in tailings systems, trunnion-mounted ball valves have emerged as a reliable choice due to their robust design, ability to handle high pressure, and excellent sealing capabilities.

In this blog, we will explore the role of trunnion-mounted ball valves in mining tailings systems, focussing on their advantages in slurry flow control and system reliability. We will also discuss the key design features that make these valves suitable for harsh mining environments and the specific challenges they address in tailings management.

Understanding Mining Tailings Systems

Mining tailings are the by-products of mineral processing, typically consisting of finely ground rock particles, water, and residual chemicals. These materials are usually stored in tailings ponds or impoundments, where the solids settle, and the water is either recycled or treated for safe release into the environment. However, before reaching the tailings storage facility, the slurry must be transported through pipelines, pumps, and other equipment, often over long distances.

The management of mining tailings is a complex and high-stakes process due to the following challenges:

Abrasive Nature of Slurry: The fine particles in slurry can cause significant wear and tear on pipelines, valves, and pumps, leading to frequent maintenance and potential system failures.

   Corrosive Environment: Tailings often contain residual chemicals from the extraction process, which can corrode equipment over time if not properly managed.

   High Pressure and Flow Rates: Tailings pipelines operate under high pressure and flow rates to ensure the efficient transport of slurry to the tailings facility.

   Environmental and Safety Regulations: The improper handling of tailings can lead to environmental disasters, such as dam failures and water contamination. Therefore, the reliability of the system is crucial for both operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Given these challenges, the valves used in tailings systems must be designed to handle the abrasive and corrosive nature of slurry, as well as withstand high pressures and ensure reliable performance over time.

What are Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves?

Trunnion-mounted ball valves are a type of ball valve that features a supported ball on both ends by trunnions, which are mechanical anchoring points. This design is different from floating ball valves, where the ball is held in place only by the valve seats. In a trunnion-mounted ball valve, the ball is fixed in place and does not move with the pressure of the fluid. Instead, the valve seats move toward the ball to create a seal.

Key components of a trunnion-mounted ball valve include:

Ball: The spherical closure element that controls the flow of fluid through the valve. In trunnion-mounted ball valves, the ball is anchored by trunnions on both ends.

Trunnions: Mechanical supports that hold the ball in place and prevent it from shifting under pressure.

Seats: The sealing elements that move toward the ball to create a tight shutoff. Trunnion-mounted ball valves typically have spring-loaded or pressure-activated seats to ensure a reliable seal even at high pressures.

Stem: The component that connects the ball to the actuator or handle, allowing for manual or automated control of the valve.

Trunnion-mounted ball valves are particularly well-suited for high-pressure applications, as the trunnions absorb the pressure load, reducing the wear on the seats and extending the lifespan of the valve. Additionally, the design allows for a tighter seal, making these valves ideal for applications where leakage prevention is critical.

The Role of Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves in Mining Tailings Systems

In mining tailings systems, trunnion-mounted ball valves are used to control the flow of slurry through pipelines, pumps, and other equipment. Their robust design and ability to handle high-pressure and abrasive materials make them a reliable choice for managing the challenges associated with tailings transportation.

Slurry Flow Control

One of the primary functions of trunnion-mounted ball valves in mining tailings systems is to control the flow of slurry through the pipeline. The valve can be fully opened to allow the unrestricted flow of slurry or fully closed to stop the flow. In some cases, the valve may also be used for throttling purposes, where the flow is partially restricted to control the rate of slurry transport.

The ability of trunnion-mounted ball valves to provide precise flow control is essential for maintaining the efficiency of tailings systems. Too much flow can overwhelm the system and lead to pipeline damage, while too little flow can cause blockages and reduce the overall efficiency of the tailings transport process. Trunnion-mounted ball valves offer reliable control over the flow of slurry, ensuring that the system operates at optimal capacity.

Abrasion and Wear Resistance

The abrasive nature of slurry is one of the most significant challenges in mining tailings systems. The fine particles in the slurry can quickly wear down equipment, leading to frequent maintenance and potential system failures. Trunnion-mounted ball valves are designed to withstand the abrasive effects of slurry, thanks to their robust construction and materials.

Many trunnion-mounted ball valves used in mining applications are made from materials that offer excellent abrasion resistance, such as hardened steel or specialised alloys. Additionally, the trunnion support system reduces the amount of pressure placed on the valve seats, preventing premature wear and extending the valve’s lifespan.

The ability of trunnion-mounted ball valves to resist wear and abrasion is crucial for ensuring the reliability of the tailings system. By reducing the need for frequent maintenance and valve replacements, these valves help minimise downtime and keep the system running smoothly.

Leakage Prevention

Leakage prevention is a critical concern in mining tailings systems, as even small leaks can lead to environmental contamination and safety hazards. Trunnion-mounted ball valves are known for their excellent sealing capabilities, making them ideal for applications where leakage prevention is essential.

The trunnion-mounted design ensures that the valve seats are always in contact with the ball, even at high pressures, creating a tight seal that prevents slurry from leaking out of the pipeline. This is especially important in mining tailings systems, where the slurry often contains harmful chemicals that could pose a risk to the environment if leaked.

In addition to preventing external leakage, trunnion-mounted ball valves also help prevent internal leakage, where slurry could flow past the valve in the closed position. This is achieved through the use of spring-loaded or pressure-activated seats, which maintain a tight seal even when the valve is not in use.

Corrosion Resistance

In addition to being abrasive, mining tailings are often corrosive due to the presence of chemicals used in the extraction process. Valves that are not designed to handle corrosive environments can quickly degrade, leading to system failures and costly repairs.

Trunnion-mounted ball valves are available in a variety of materials that offer excellent corrosion resistance, making them suitable for use in mining tailings systems. Common materials include stainless steel, duplex steel, and other corrosion-resistant alloys. The use of these materials helps ensure that the valve can withstand the harsh chemical environment of tailings without degrading over time.

High-Pressure Performance

Mining tailings systems often operate under high pressure to transport slurry over long distances. Trunnion-mounted ball valves are specifically designed to handle high-pressure applications, making them ideal for use in tailings pipelines.

The trunnion support system reduces the pressure load on the valve seats, ensuring that the valve can maintain a tight seal even at high pressures. This is essential for preventing leaks and ensuring the reliable operation of the tailings system.

In addition to their high-pressure performance, trunnion-mounted ball valves are also capable of handling large flow rates, making them suitable for use in high-capacity tailings systems.

Key Design Features of Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves for Mining Applications

When selecting trunnion-mounted ball valves for mining tailings systems, several key design features should be considered to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Material Selection

As mentioned earlier, the materials used in the construction of trunnion-mounted ball valves play a critical role in their ability to withstand the abrasive and corrosive nature of slurry. Valves made from hardened steel or specialised alloys offer excellent abrasion resistance, while stainless steel and duplex steel provide superior corrosion resistance.

Sealing Mechanism

The sealing mechanism is another critical design feature that determines the valve’s ability to prevent leaks. Trunnion-mounted ball valves typically use spring-loaded or pressure-activated seats to maintain a tight seal, even at high pressures. These seats should be made from durable materials that can withstand the abrasive effects of slurry.

Maintenance and Durability

Mining operations require valves that can withstand harsh conditions and operate reliably over long periods. Trunnion-mounted ball valves are designed for durability, with features such as replaceable seats and seals, which make maintenance easier and extend the life of the valve.


Trunnion-mounted ball valves play a crucial role in the efficient and reliable operation of mining tailings systems. Their ability to control slurry flow, resist abrasion and corrosion, prevent leaks, and handle high pressures makes them an ideal choice for managing the challenges associated with tailings transportation.

 With proper material selection and maintenance, these valves can help ensure the long-term success of mining tailings systems.

Steelstrong, a trusted Indian valve manufacturer, offers a wide range of high-performance trunnion-mounted ball valves that are designed to meet the demanding requirements of mining tailings systems. Their expertise in manufacturing robust and reliable valves makes them a go-to partner for industries looking to enhance their operations with durable valve solutions.